How does anyone get the best value with health insurance? Answer: Combine Health Insurance Plans. To explore the principles at work, many people should understand how combining health insurance is a sound solution to a serious problem. It may appear obvious that combining insurance improves coverage, but few people truly understand how combining plans leads to thousands of dollars in potential savings over time. With so many health insurance plans available and over 1 million insurance agents actively licensed today, it leads one to question why no one knows how combining plans saves money.Today, too many people are learning the hard way that they are under-insured when it comes to health insurance. This happens because competitive health insurance agents bid lower and lower amounts in an inflated market, leading to more gaps in coverage that less experienced agents often fail to comprehend well enough to explain. There is a simple truth to understand about the rising costs of health care.Health Care Costs Will Continue to Rise When No Regulation is in conducted research on hospital charges nationwide. These charges were compared to those of Johns Hopkins Hospitals, one of the most respected health care institutions in the nation. What were the results?The vast majority of hospital charges average between 300% and 400% above the institutions’ costs for treatment. Johns Hopkins Hospital’s average charges are 117% above its costs. For every $1 charged, Johns Hopkins pays $0.85, or earns a profit of $0.25 for every dollar charged.The average U.S. hospital pays $0.27 for every dollar it charges. The average hospital is paying $25 Million in costs while charging $95 Million to patients. The average profit margin is around $70 Million annually. The greatest of these charges are credited to surgical supplies and the administration of anesthesia.In an ever-inflating health care industry, a solution does exist. While politicians continue making promises to solve the health care crisis, individuals and families continue to expect more than the insurance market can bear. But many self-employed individuals and families can find comfort in knowing they can do something to secure assets by simply doing the legwork and becoming informed about health insurance.The solution is based on a very simple principle of insurance. Insurance is an Agreement to Share the Financial Risk of Loss Between Individuals and CompaniesThis basic concept is more important for individuals to understand now than ever. Health insurance companies, like individuals, cannot afford the rising costs of health care on their own today. Many health insurance companies have developed their focus to specific areas where they can offer more competitive coverage at very affordable prices. This is where people can save significant amounts of money by adjusting to this trend. It is no longer the case that a single health plan can offer full, comprehensive coverage at a competitive price because health care costs are out of control.Today it takes multiple health plans from multiple health insurance companies to have the best coverage at the lowest price. This follows the trends associated with investing in the economy. One creates greater risk for their financial performance in the market by investing all funds in one stock or trade. The safest, most secure investment is a diversified portfolio. Health insurance is no different today.Why You Do Not KnowIs it surprising to learn that many insurance professionals have no idea how to give individuals and families the best coverage and the greatest savings on health insurance? The majority of health insurance agents today are captive to one company. This means that most insurance agents are only trained to present the products of the health insurance company they represent.Independent agents are less restricted to one plan, but a large number of these professionals still have limited access to the competitive plans available to individuals and families. While this explanation is complicated, the simple answer is that most agencies earn the majority of their profits from the volume of product sales per company, not the volume of sales overall. Some general agency contracts offer higher incentives to the agency, which can influence what products agencies offer.So, it comes down to the individual shopping for health insurance to find the policies that create the greatest coverage and savings.A Well-Structured Health Insurance Portfolio is the Key to Having the Best Coverage for the Lowest PriceCombining health insurance plans is the best way to improve coverage save money on health insurance long term. Health Insurance Money Saving Strategies is a 10-week campaign to spread the word to self-employed individuals and their families looking for private health insurance. A well-structured Health Insurance Portfolio is the best way for people to protect their assets and be comfortable knowing their insurance adequately protects them from the worst medical situations. The benefit is knowing that this type of approach to health insurance saves people money.
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What to Do if You Don’t Have Health Insurance – You Might Not Beat the Odds
Have you been working hard and paying your bills on time your whole life? Saving your money and trying to get ahead, looking forward to retiring some day? You read in the paper and hear on the news about so many people that are uninsured. Uninsured, and don’t have health insurance because they can’t afford it. Are you one of the uninsured people like I am? Are you worried about having a health care emergency and not knowing how you would pay your medical bills? You know you really can’t switch jobs. You feel you’re getting too old or under skilled to be hired by anyone else. You might even be self-employed too. You know you can’t or don’t want to learn a new skill to get a new job at a bigger company that has group health insurance. Your present employer really can’t afford health insurance for his employees and you don’t see that changing where you work.You have gotten by this long without health insurance and you know that you should do something about it. But health insurance is expensive and getting health insurance is a good idea and something you have always been planning to do. But, we just keep putting it off, until it is too late. So what is a man with a family, or a single person do if you barely can find the money to pay for the necessities, like the rent, or a mortgage, the higher price of gas and food, much less expensive health insurance?Do you think you can beat the odds? For men it is one in three, for women one in five that you will have a major health care emergency hospitalization and incur medical bills for surgery, hospital stay, outpatient medical care, therapy and prescription drugs. Do you worry and lay awake at night, wondering how you would pay for emergency care, if you needed it?Ever wonder what you will do if the worst happens and you had to go to the hospital without health insurance? In a word. Bankruptcy. The retirement you worked your whole life for and dreamed about… the retirement you always envisioned is gone…taken away from you in an instant. And by a calamity you have tried to avoid. A calamity that broad sided you, and you had no warning and you never knew what hit you.Imagine this scenario. You are 55, been in great shape your whole life, you work hard and live right, don’t smoke, eat healthy foods, watch your weight and have been taking care of yourself the best way you know how. But lately you have been getting a little short of breath. You shake your head and say “it’s just getting old” and keep right on working on the house, the car, the lawn, the crops or a new project you just have to get done. While working, all of a sudden you feel really short of breath. You stop, sit down and can’t breathe. You look down and your arm is feeling funny and tingly. All of a sudden you feel a shooting pain running up your arm into your shoulder, “ah…just overdoing it again” you say to yourself. I’ll just rest a spell and it will go away. But this time the pain does not go away like other times. You feel the numbness and worse, a stabbing pain goes into your shoulder. Quickly the pain intensifies and travels deeper and is shooting across your chest, a crushing pain and now you are really scared. “Wonder if this is a heart attack?” You know you waited too long and it’s too late…This time it’s for real. You are in the middle of a heart attack.You are desperate and in stabbing pain. You know calling 911 might save you…if you can get to a phone. You call for your wife and she is inside the house and does not hear you. You try to get up and feel faint and you have no strength and your legs just can’t move. You holler louder, it hurts so bad and she hears you this time. She rushes to your side and you are so short of breath you can’t talk, the pain is too great. You point to your chest and she can see by the look on your face you are suffering and in great pain and something is terribly wrong. She runs to call 911, frantic about you and tells the ambulance to come right away and she thinks you are having a heart attack. She runs back to your side and you both are terribly scared and all you can do is wait.The bad news has just begun…When the ambulance arrives, you find out the very worst has happened. You really are having a heart attack…they rush you away to the hospital, taking your vitals and giving you the drugs to save your life. Expensive surgery follows with angioplasty to open up your blocked arteries in your heart, and you get a stint to keep the worst blocked artery open. The doctors say that you should make a good recovery with adequate care, rest and therapy. You will have to take heart medications and high blood pressure drugs the rest of your life. Already the worry has started, and you think to yourself. “how am I going to pay for this”? The deep financial worry never leaves you. You have heard stories of financial disasters happening to good people with no insurance, Tragic consequences happening to people getting hit with huge medical bills for surgeries in the tens of thousands of dollars. You lost…you did not beat the odds.Now what can you do? Your retirement dream is gone, now you will have to work the rest of your life to pay your medical bills off. The story, I shared is real, this medical tragedy happened to my brother, a farmer, a hard worker, a self-employed bulldozer operator in the prime of his life. No health insurance and he now faces a $45,000 medical bill he can’t pay. Not unless he wants to sell the beautiful log cabin home he built with his own hands and the farm he worked his whole life for. He is worried sick and tied to heart drugs for the rest of his life. Heart drugs and a stint that make him feel even more sick. He has decided to sell part of his land to pay the hospital and clinic bills. He hates to do this, but has no choice.He tried to pay the hospital and clinic with agreed upon payments of a $1,000 a month each, paying every penny he could, but that was not fast enough or good enough. The hospital and the clinic still turned his account over to the collection agencies even though he was paying over $2,000.00 a month. He is an honest man who worked hard his whole life and did not deserve this. He can barely afford the heart drugs and makes just enough money so he does not qualify for state-assisted health care or prescription drug benefits.One more thing is important…That is not the only calamity. He is not eligible for any type of health insurance for his heart, even if he could afford to pay $850.00 a month for health insurance coverage, plus his monthly medical bill payment to the collection agency. Why? Because now, he is uninsurable. In order to be covered under health insurance for his heart, he would have to not have any hospital care or treatment related to his pre-existing condition for seven years to quality for having that heart condition covered under any health insurance policy. For my brother, he will have to work harder than ever to pay this debt off, just when he should be taking it easier and not working so hard to prevent yet another heart attack. There will be no retirement for him, he is 59 and that is a terribly hard price to pay.What does this mean for you? Don’t wait, don’t let a major health problem ruin your chances of retirement. Health care coverage can be purchased and can be budgeted for. If my brother knew what was going to happen, he would have budgeted the money for a health insurance policy. He could have spared a couple thousand a year for an inexpensive health care policy with a high deductible. This would have cut the medical bills he received by a significant amount, and he still would have health insurance to cover him in the future. When you’re lying in bed at night, think of the people you know that have had their lives turned up side down by a health calamity, lost their jobs, their homes, all their savings and their cherished retirement. This is too big a price to pay. Take care of yourself, and your family. Protect your retirement dream. Getting an online insurance quote, is easy, and safe and can help you take a step in the right direction. Help remove most of the worry, about “what if a medical emergency occurred to you or a loved one”. Would you be covered? Let’s hope the answer is “Yes.”When I got laid off from a great job due to a large corporate company downsizing, at the age of 50, I lost my group health insurance. I went on the Internet and found the online insurance quote websites a real help. The easy to fill in forms “just fill in your zip code” got me started with my online quote. The websites were easy to use, and I enjoyed getting free insurance quotes. The websites connected me with top insurance agents who helped me figure out how to compare the quotes. The agents were friendly, easy to talk to, and I got a policy to protect me at a cost I could afford. Please click on the link above and get some health insurance that will protect you and your loved ones. Just knowing something really can happen and taking the right steps to protect yourself can help remove some of the worry. Don’t try to beat the odds, you may not win. Don’t let a small financial burden become an impossible one. Do it for yourself, do it now before it is too late.
Automotive Insurance Questions – Common Questions And Answers
People are wondering why they have to get an automotive insurance policy? You have to for the following reason: first it is in the law that one should have auto insurance, especially if you own a car. Before purchasing a policy one should know the rates and coverage the insurance company has to offer.In order to get the best automotive insurance, you need to get a quote from different companies which you have desired. This is one of the important things you need to do and take note, if ever you have some question, ask and never hesitate to ask since it is your right to know what you want to know regarding their automotive insurance.Insurance companies have also the right to ask question since you want to get a quote for your auto. Most common question asked is the following:What is auto financial responsibility?Where in you have to prove that you are financially able to pay anything which you may be responsible for while you are driving your auto?What policy coverage do you need?Since there are many kind of coverage in auto insurance, you have to choose either the regular auto insurance or you want to add some coverage you think you need it too.Is there anyone aside from you as the policy holders drive your car?You need to include the person who drives your car, wife, son and daughter so that they are included in your coverage of your auto insurance but if you are single and you are the only one who drive your car, then answer them with no.Do you want the minimum policy requirements?The minimum policy required liability as well in every state but as long as you can prove that can afford the financial responsibility when you meet an accident, then you can take automotive insurance without liability, if there is that would be minimal or minimum liability.How is your driving record?This is one of the important requirements they need to know since most of the premium payment is reflected on your driving record for the pass 3 or 5 years depending on the insurance company you have.What you like in your coverage, comprehension or collision?Since there are different between the comprehension and collision, they want to know which one you want. The comprehension coverage means it includes fire and theft while the collision coverage focuses only in collision with another car. If you think both are helpful then you take both.Why does car insurance vary?Since there are different insurance company worldwide and each of the insurance company have their own strategies to gain more consumers and they also weigh their rates depending to your driving records, age of the auto you have and others.Can the insurance company replace the car when you had an accident?Well every individual who have auto or car want to have their car good as new when meet an accident, it is hard to drive a car that has been in an accident. Most of the auto insurance pay the replacement cost only if ever it would make financial sense to repair the auto not unless it is totally lost and cannot be used anymore or stolen and never recovered, then they have to pay the actual cash value of it.These were the few questions which are commonly frequently asked.